Welcome to the AFREF Webserver for GNSS-Reference stations
The African Geodetic Reference Frame (AFREF) is a project designed to unify the very many geodetic reference frames of Africa using data from a network of permanent Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) stations as the primary data source for the realization of such a uniform reference frame. Numerous National Mapping Agencies and Universities in Africa, International agencies and organisations have installed suitable geodetic grade GNSS receivers at many locations throughout Africa. For more information on AFREF see http://geoinfo.uneca.org/afref/Intro.htm
Data from these stations is being archived on a number of data bases. The AFREF Operational Data Centre (ODC) collects data on a daily basis from as many of these datasets as are freely available. Although most known stations have been shown on the map, data for the interactive stations only is a available. This then is the data to be found on this website.
The AFREF ODC has been set up as part of the activities of the AFREF Steering Committee and in compliance with the guidelines of the International GNSS Service (IGS) (http://igscb.jpl.nasa.gov/ )
User name and password is not required. Use guest logon
Please note that all GNSS data is supplied in the standard RINEX format at 30 second epoch.
Currently only 30 second 24 hour daily files are being archived. The file naming convention conforms to the IGS standard
YY = year
DDD = day of year
SSSS = site name
0 = 24 hour file
d = compress observation file
Example: ARB0090.10d.Z
The following file structure is used for the data
Station information is available from the log files as follows:
RefData.Station information/Site log files/